др Мирослав Ђорђевић

- Звање: професор струковних студија
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Електротехничко и рачунарско инжењерство / Телекомуникације - Члан Већа: Студијска група студијских програма КТ и МСИ
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Докторску дисертацију под називом називом “Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic Modeling of Vehicles over a Wide Range of Frequencies” је одбранио у Сједињеним Америчким Државама на University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2004. године са просечном оценом 4,0 (од 4,0) на докторским студијама.
Магистрирао 2000. године на University of California at Los Angeles, у Сједињеним Америчким Државама са темом “Cavity Backed Annular Patch Antennas (CABAPA): Candidate Terminal Antennas in Satellite Communication Systems”.
Дипломирао је 1998. године на Електротехничком факултету Универзитета у Београду, на Одсеку за електронику и телекомуникације, са просечном оценом 8,91, одбранивши дипломски рад из Електромагнетике са оценом 10.
Кретања у служби
Од 2008. Професор струковних студија у Високој школи за информационе и комуникационе технологије
2008. Гостујући истраживач на Colorado State University, Форт Колинс, САД.
2006 - 2008 - Научни сарадник у Институту "IMTEL" у Београду.
2004 - 2006 - Старији електро-инжењер у компанији “Antenna Research Associates”, у Белтсвилу, САД.
2004. Постдокторски истраживач-сарадник на University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, САД.
2000 - 2004 - Истраживач-сарадник на University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, САД.
1998 - 2000 - Истраживач-сарадник на University of California at Los Angeles, САД.
Међународни часописи са импакт фактором:
- A. B. Manić, M. Djordjević, B. M. Notaroš, “Duffy Method for Evaluation of Weakly Singular SIE Potential Integrals Over Curved Quadrilaterals With Higher Order Basis Functions”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations, Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 3338-3343, June 2014. M21
- M. M. Ilić, M. Djordjević, A. Ž. Ilić, B. M. Notaroš, “Higher Order Hybrid FEM-MoM Technique for Analysis of Antennas and Scatterers”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 1452-1460, May 2009. (35 citata po bazi Google Scholar) M21
- M. Djordjevic and B. M. Notaros, “Novel Higher Order Hybrid Method of Moments–Physical Optics Modeling Technique for Radiation and Scattering from Large Perfectly Conducting Surfaces”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 800-813, February 2005. (50 citata po bazi Google Scholar) M21
- M. Djordjevic and B. M. Notaros, “Double-Higher-Order Method of Moments for Surface Integral Equation Modeling of Metallic and Dielectric Antennas and Scatterers”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 2118-2129, August 2004. (69 citata po bazi Google Scholar) M21
- M. Djordjevic and B. M. Notaros, “Higher-Order Hierarchical Basis Functions with Improved Orthogonality Properties for Moment-Method Modeling of Metallic and Dielectric Microwave Structures”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 83-88, April 20 2003. (22 citata po bazi Google Scholar) M23
Домаћи часописи:
- D. Švenda, M. Derota, A. Glišić, M. Djordjević, “Security of IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks in Belgrade”, Info-M, Vol. 42, 2012, pp. 23-28. M52
- M. Djordjević, “Uticaj cevi topa tenka na dijagram zračenja monopol antene”, Vojnotehnički glasnik, Vol. 59, No. 1. Januar 2011, pp. 27-39. M52
Зборници међународних конференција:
- B. M. Notaros, M. M. Ilic, D. I. Olcan, M. Djordjevic, A. B. Manic, and E. Chobanyan, “Hybrid Higher Order Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics”, Special Session “Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics”, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications – ICEAA 2014, August 3-8, 2014, Palm Beach, Aruba, pp. 411-414.
- A. B. Manic, M. Djordjevic, E. Smith, and B. M. Notaros, “Numerical Computation of Singular Integrals in Higher Order Method of Moments Using Curved Quadrilateral Patches”, Proc. 2013 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 9-12, 2013, Boulder, Colorado.
- E. Chobanyan, B. M. Notaros, M. M. Ilic, M. Djordjevic, “Efficient higher order volume-integral-equation modeling of dielectric scatterers”, 2012 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Digest, July 8-14, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp.1-2.
- D. Švenda, M. Djordjević, “Mapiranje IEEE 802.11 bežičnih mreža u Beogradu”, Proceedings of 18th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2010, November 23-25, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 464-466.
- B. M. Notaros, M. M. Ilic, A. Z. Ilic, M. Djordjevic, S. V. Savic, “Efficient higher order finite element–moment method modeling of 3-D radiation and scattering problems”, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, ACES 2009, March 8-12, 2009, Monterey, California, USA, pp. 627-632.
- M. Djordjević, M. M. Ilić, B. M. Notaroš, “Modelovanje elementima višeg reda u numeričkoj elektromagnetici “, Proceedings of 16th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2008, November 25-27, 2008, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 476-479.
- D. Markovic, B. Jokanovic, M. Marjanovic, M. Djordjevic, “Improved Method for Measurement of the Dielectric Properties of Microwave Substrates Using Microstrip T-resonator”, 2007 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, May 1-3, 2007, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 1-3. (3 citata po bazi Google Scholar)
- B. M. Notaros, M. Djordjevic, Z. Popovic, “Generalized CoCo Antennas”, 2006 Antenna Applications Symposium, September 20-22, 2006, Allerton, Monticello, IL, U.S.A.
- M. Djordjevic, B. M. Notaros, “Enhanced Higher Order MoM-PO Modeling Using Multiple Reflections in the PO Region”, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Digest, July 9-14, 2006, Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A., pp.2905-2908.
- B. M. Notaros, M. Djordjevic, “Hybrid Numerical-Asymptotic Modeling of Electrically Large EM Structures”, invited paper, Special Session on Hybrid Numerical Techniques in EM for Modeling Electrically Large Structures, Proceedings of the 22th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics – ACES 2006 Conference, March 12-16, 2006, Miami, FL, U.S.A., pp.150-153.
- B. M. Notaros, M. M. Ilic, A. Z. Ilic, M. Djordjevic, “Very-High-Order CEM modeling”, 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Digest, July 3-8, 2005, Washington, DC, U.S.A., Vol. 3A, pp.48-51.
- M. Djordjevic, O. Kilic, A. I. Zaghloul, “Novel Method for Numerically Accurate Analysis of Printed Rotman Lens Antennas”, 24th Army Science Conference, November 29-December 2, 2004, Orlando, FL, U.S.A. (1 citat po bazi Google Scholar)
- B. M. Notaros, M. M. Ilic, M. Djordjevic, “Higher Order Geometrical Modeling and Higher Order Field/Current Modeling in FEM, MoM, and PO Simulations”, invited paper, Special Session on Advances in CEM, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics – ACES 2004 Conference, April 19-23, 2004, Syracuse, NY, U.S.A.
- B. M. Notaros, M. Djordjevic, M.M. Ilic, “Higher Order Electromagnetic Modeling for Wireless Technology Applications”, invited paper, NSF Wireless Workshop within the 2003 IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Communications Technology, October 15-17, 2003, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. (5 citata po bazi Google Scholar)
- M. Djordjevic, B. M. Notaros, “Higher-Order Moment-Method Modeling of Curved Metallic Antennas and Scatterers”, 2003 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Digest, June 22-27, 2003, Columbus, OH, U.S.A., Vol. 4, pp. 94-97. (3 citata po bazi Google Scholar)
- M. Djordjevic, B. M. Notaros, “Three types of higher-order MoM basis functions automatically satisfying current continuity conditions”, 2002 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Digest, June 16-21, 2002, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A., Vol. 4, pp.610-613. (19 citata po bazi Google Scholar)
- M. Djordjevic, B. M. Notaros, “Highly efficient large-domain moment-method analysis and CAD of radio-frequency antennas mounted on or situated in vehicles”, Fall 2000 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2000), September 24-28, 2000, Boston, MA, U.S.A., pp.2373-2377. (9 citata po bazi Google Scholar)
- M. Djordjevic, Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Characterization of vehicle mounted cavity-backed annular patch antenna (CABAPA)”, 2000 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Digest, July 16-21, 2000, Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A., Vol. 4, pp. 2258-2261. (1 citat po bazi Google Scholar)
- B. M. Notaros, M. Djordjevic, B. D. Popovic, Z. Popovic, “Rigorous EM Modeling of Cars and Airplanes”, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference - RAWCON’99, August 1999, Denver, CO, U.S.A., pp.167-170. (8 citata po bazi Google Scholar)
- Branislav M. Notaros, Miroslav Djordjevic, Milan M. Ilic, “Hybrid Higher Order Techniques for CEM Analysis and Design,” invited paper, URSI CNC/USNC North American Radio Science Meeting - URSI 2007 Digest, July 22-26, 2007, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- M. Djordjevic, B. M. Notaros, “On the Higher-Order MoM-PO Electromagnetic Modeling of Vehicles”, 2004 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, June 20-26, 2004, Monterey, CA, U.S.A.
- M. Djordjevic, B. M. Notaros, “Higher-Order Large-Domain MoM-PO Solution to EFIE-MFIE”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2003), October 13-16, 2003, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A.
- B. M. Notaros, B. D. Popovic, M. Djordjevic, M. M. Ilic, “Hierarchical and interpolatory higher-order vector basis functions for finite element method and method of moments”, 6th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, Antennas, Circuits and Devices - Book of Abstracts, May 30 - June 1, 2002, Chios, Greece, p. 65.
- „Планирање и управљање саобраћајем и комуникацијама применом рачунарске интелигенције”, потпомогнут од стране Републичког министарства просвете и науке (област технолошког развоја), број пројекта TR-36002.
- „Развој штампаних антена за примену у области радио-фреквенцијске идентификације (RFID)”, потпомогнут од стране Републичког министарства науке и заштите животне средине (област технолошког развоја), руководилац пројекта, број пројекта TR-11041.
- „Метаматеријали за широкопојасне бежичне комуникације и РФ идентификацију”, потпомогнут од стране Републичког министарства науке и заштите животне средине, број пројекта Eureka Е!3853.
- „Efficient Higher Order Techniques for Electromagnetic Modeling and Design of Photonic Crystal Structures”, потпомогнут од стране National Science Foundation, Engineering Directorate, Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems Division, број пројекта ECCS-0650719.
- „Higher-Order Finite Element-Moment Method Modeling Techniques for Conformal Antenna Applications”, потпомогнут од стране National Science Foundation, Engineering Directorate, Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems Division, број пројекта ECS-0324345.
- „Large-Domain Hybrid Moment Method–Physical Optics Techniques for Efficient and Accurate Electromagnetic Modeling of Cars and Aircraft over a Wide Range of Frequencies”, потпомогнут од стране National Science Foundation, Engineering Directorate, Electrical and Communications Systems Division, број пројекта ECS-0115756.